Business card scan is part of the 2019 release wave 2 plan and will get General availability in October 2019. But the AI Builder Business Card control is already available in Dynamics 365 right now.

Just add a single line of text field to the Contact entity (for instance) form and select the new AI Builder Business Card control.

You can map the output fields to the fields on the Contact form.

Now publish the form and open it in the Unified Interface. This feature is available in the Unified Interface only.

Just by clicking on the image, the explorer will open to upload a scan file or you could use the camera on a mobile device to make a picture of the business card. Once it’s added, the processing is started and the output is added to the mapped fields on the form.

So when I upload a test file, some of the mapped fields are filled out with the right data but not all.
It’s not perfect yet but fun to play with. Let’s feed the algorithm for better results.

Big thanks to Oswin Kroon who showed/shared this at the CEProNL user group meetup yesterday.
Hi ,
We are getting error “No Capacity available,please check with your administrator”. I have given myself Admin role and Common data service user role as well . Do we need to have license separately for this feature to work.
Hi Manish,
If you don’t have Dynamics 365 CE licenses, you need an add-on for this: Licensing requirements. But with Dynamics 365 licenses it should be included.
This seems to be a bug, see thread on Dynamics 365 community forum: Wave 2 Business card scanner does not work “No capacity available, please check with your administrator.”