Status Reason Transitions are dead? Long live Status Reason Transitions!

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When Megan V. Walker published the blog post 11 Tips & Tricks In Model-driven Power Apps she asked the community for more tips, and I responded with my two cents: field mapping (Bonus Tip 3), and status reason transitions. Now the first one is a no-brainer, everybody should love field column mapping (there’s even a fanclub); it’s an essential part of data modelling for me. But the second suggestion is maybe a bit obscure, so let me make myself clear why I would suggest such a thing.
Status Reason Transitions were introduced in the Spring Release for Dynamics CRM 2013 Leo (1, 2), around the same time when I started my journey with Dynamics CRM. I was looking for a way to limit the status reason choices based on the active stage of a business process flow. I was really happy when I found out about status reason transitions, only to be disappointed when I realized it was only for the Case entity and custom entities, and not for -in my case- the Opportunity entity. Since then I’ve been waiting for the right use case to apply status reason transitions and today is that day! After more than eight year I finally checked the tick box ‘Enable Status Reason Transitions’. 😉

We’re building an assessments planning app and the business process flow steps/stages and status reason choices depend on the type of assessment. With status reason transitions we’re able to select and present the relevant status reasons for one type, and exclude the status reasons for the other type of assessment. Just straight out of the box.

The assessments are created by a Power Automate flow after import of external data, and the right status reason is set based on the type of assessment. The behavior in the UI of the model-driven app will be like this:

So all the fuss is about this?
Well, yes but editing the status reason transitions requires using the Power Apps solution explorer and is not yet available in So let’s hope it will become available there and have a bright future.
The status reason transition of this feature in the Power Apps Feature Management app at Microsoft should look like this IMHO:

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